People usually file bankruptcy on debts like medical bills and credit cards. Often time, there are other debts owed. Some of the other debts our clients often ask about with regard to bankruptcy include:
Utility bills: These are unsecured and treated just like a credit card.
Co-signed debt: In Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, the co-signer may be able to get out of his or her obligations without affecting the other co-signer.
Student loan debt: This typically cannot get discharged through Chapter 7, but can be paid in Chapter 13.
Driver’s license suspensions: If you file Chapter 13, you will get your license back.
IRS tax: In some instances, this debt can be discharged via Chapter 7 or paid off in a Chapter 13.
Real estate tax debt: You may be able to discharge real estate tax debts in Chapter 7 if you do not keep your house. In Chapter 13, that debt may be paid off in the reorganization plan.
Payday loan debt: This can be discharged through Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
Mechanic’s liens: This can be discharged through Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
Judgments: This can be discharged via Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
Broken leases: This can be discharged via Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.