Saving Your Home With the Michigan Foreclosure Lawyers at Jason Allen Law.

Is foreclosure approaching on your home? What will happen if you lose your home? Our experienced bankruptcy attorneys at Jason Allen Law will answer get that foreclosure stopped. We provide honest and hands-on legal solutions for people throughout the Kalamazoo area in consumer bankruptcy. We help people who have fallen on hard financial times by offering personalized, honest and trustworthy legal advice that they can fully benefit from.

What Is the Best Foreclosure Defense? Answer: Bankruptcy Foreclosure is the legal way by which a bank will sell your home if you are unable to make your mortgage payments. If you are behind on your payments and heading toward foreclosure, one of the only ways you can stop it is through bankruptcy. Loan modifications often require burdensome documentation, provide nominally lower payments, and are costly and time consuming. If you can't get caught up on your payments on your own, bankruptcy is the answer.

Keeping your home and filing bankruptcy: Chapter 7: If you are current on your payment, in most cases you will be able to keep your home and get rid of all your unsecured debt. Chapter 13: If you are behind on your mortgage payments, this will help you get caught up on the payments and keep your home.

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